Certificate in Local Council Administration 

CiLCA is the recognised professional qualification for clerks, officers and councillors

This foundation qualification is evidence based and tests your knowledge of all the aspects of a clerk's work.    It can sometimes be difficult to know where to start and this page aims to help potential learners know where to find out more information and steps involved. 


The SALC training offer

We offer learners a flexible approach to their CiLCA qualification journey.  Our rolling programme of support workshops run throughout the year allowing candidates to join at any time.  We link our offer into our Development pathway for council officers | SALC Website.  Our policy requires new learners to be in post for at least 12 months before starting their CiLCA qualification.

We recommend learners take the following steps and book onto our introduction session before doing anything else.   We have also included a link to a short film that provides an overview.  


CiLCA and what is involved and the benefits for you and your community


With your council and agree support and funding


Book onto a SALC introduction session to help you find out more and make a decision on next steps


Your learning journey towards gaining your CiLCA qualification


What does CiLCA cost?

Councils should consider the following when estimating the total cost for undertaking this qualification:

  1. additional hours the learner will need to undertake the study.  If your clerk works less than 10 hours per week, it is likely you will need to budget for those extra hours.

  2. application fee to SLCC - this is currently £450 and is non-vatable.  It is reviewed regularly so this price is subject to change.

  3. support workshops through SALC.  We currently charge £32 plus VAT for the introductory workshop and £63 plus VAT per unit-based workshop (there are five of these).  We review our training fees annually and they will change in April 2024 when we have finalised our budget.  

This means currently, excluding an allowance for additional hours, the approximate cost is £797 plus VAT payable on SALC support workshops only.


Find out more about CiLCA

Watch this short film to find out more and gain a general overview of how the qualification route works.  The link below to the SLCC website provides more detail.

Visit SLCC website dedicated page about this qualification

The SALC introductory workshop is an important first step before register for CiLCA.  It is designed to help you establish any gaps in your knowledge, support you in your approach to managing the extra time involved and agree with your council the support they will provide. 

SALC support

We have recognised trainer status which is reviewed annually and covered by a service level agreement, which means that:

  • tuition and guidance will be provided by an experienced and well-qualified local council practitioner

  • up to date information will be available on changes in legislation and best practice

  • requirements for CiLCA and support with effective portfolio-building

Recognised trainers are CiLCA or Level 4 Cert HE in Community Governance qualified, working/employed in the local council sector, endorsed by both the CALC and SLCC which is approved by the Improvement and Development Board and qualified assured by Ascentis, the awarding body.